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Usborne Baby's very first touchy-feely musical play book

90,00 Lei
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Tip: bebelusi, texturi, sunete

Varsta: 0 ani

Stoc epuizat

Durata de livrare: 2 zile

Cod Produs: 9781409581543
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A wonderful, colourful, musical touchy-feely book that will delight babies of all ages. A range of gentle musical sounds relate to the simple pictures on each page. Babies will love the touchy-feely patches of the jungle, under the sea and outer space. Delightful to share, this book will engage even a tiny baby’s attention and as babies grow they will love to press the sound buttons themselves. This series is designed to be used from birth, with low-decibel sounds and high-contrast pictures. Featuring original music from Anthony Marks.

Ilustrator: Stella Baggott

Nr. pagini: 10

Limba: engleza

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