O colectie cu diverse fabule, povesti scurte si amuzante cu text scurt, potrivita copiilor care invata sa citeasca in limba engleza. Cele 30 de titluri ale colectiei sunt urmatoarele: How the Crab got his Claws, How the Camel got his Hump, Why the Kangaroo Jumps, How the Leopard got his Spots, How the Rhino got his Skin, How the Whale got his Throat, How the Elephant got his trunk, The Ant and the Grasshopper, The Fox and the Stork, The Fox and the Crow, The Three Wishes, The Lion and the Mouse, The Greedy Dog, The Tortoise and the Eagle, How Elephants lost their Wings, Brer Rabbit and the Blackberry Bush, Brer Rabbit Down The Well, How Zebras Got Their Stripes, King Donkey Ears, How Bear Lost his Tail, Clever Rabbit and the Lion, Clever Rabbit and the Wolves, The King's Pudding, The Golden Goose, Tom Thumb, The Boy who cried Wolf, The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs, The Three Little Pigs, The Gingerbread Man, The Mouse's Wedding