Cartile din seria Peep inside sunt interactive si extrem de atractive. Ridicati clapitele pentru a descoperi o multime de lucruri interesante. Aveti ocazia sa va imbogatiti vocabularul vazand animalele nocturne si activitati ce se desfasoara noaptea. Alegeti si alte carti din acceasi serie!
A charming, simple and beautifully illustrated lift-the-flap book for little children. Little fingers can lift the flaps in scenes of dark, quiet, sleepy night-time... and reveal the busy activity beneath. Scenes include owls, foxes and mice looking for food, bakers making bread for the morning and a sleeper train travelling through the night. A lovely introduction to the nocturnal world, perfect for sharing with little ones at bed time.
Simona Dimitri
Anna Milbourne
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