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Usborne See inside the First World War

60,00 Lei
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Tip: clapite, istorie

Varsta: 7 ani

Stoc epuizat

Durata de livrare: 2 zile

Cod Produs: 9781409531708
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With vivid illustrations and over 70 flaps to lift, this action-packed book transports readers into the battlefields of the First World War, from the muddy trenches of northern France to the jungles of East Africa. Packed with essential information about the First World War, from the start of the conflict in 1914 to its resolution in 1918. Look inside trenches, see an attack across no man’s land, find out what goes on inside a tank, how fighter planes defended the skies against airships and lots more. Written in conjunction with a historical consultant from the Imperial War Museums.

Ilustrator: Maria Cristina Pritelli

Autor: Rob Lloyd Jones

Nr. pagini: 16

Limba: engleza

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