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Usborne Sun

40,00 Lei
O carte potrivita atat copiilor mici cat si celor care vor sa isi exerseze cititul in limba engleza, avand texte de dificultate redusa. Cartile au fotografii reale si prezinta informatii adevarate despre spatiul cosmic, Soare, Luna, stele, planete.

Tip: fapte reale, spatiu

Varsta: 4 ani

Stoc epuizat

Durata de livrare: 2 zile

Cod Produs: 9780746074770
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What is the Sun made of? How did astronauts get to the Moon and what did they find there? For children beginning to read on their own, this book is an exciting introduction to space with easy-to-read text written with the help of a reading expert and vivid, full colour illustrations and photographs on every page. Includes internet links to carefully selected websites with video clips and activities.

Autor: Stephanie Turnbull

Nr. pagini: 32

Limba: engleza

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