Aceasta carte include mai multe povesti in care li se prezinta copiilor mici ce se intampla cu adevarat in anumite situatii, respectiv cand merg la doctor, stomatolog sau spital, cand zboara cu avionul, cand merg la gradinita sau cand adopta un catel, cand se muta in casa noua sau cand vine pe lume un fratior.
An essential collection of nine titles from Usborne's First Experiences series, introducing young children to key situations that they might be experiencing for the first time. Includes visiting the doctor, going to school, welcoming a new baby and travelling on a plane. Features Stephen Cartwright's gently humorous illustrations, packed with things for children to look at, learn from and talk about. Every double page also contains a little yellow duck for children to spot.
Stephen Cartwright
Anne Civardi
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