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Usborne Astronomy

40,00 Lei
O carte potrivita atat copiilor mici cat si celor care vor sa isi exerseze cititul in limba engleza, avand texte de dificultate redusa. Cartile au fotografii reale si prezinta informatii adevarate despre astronomie si spatiu.

Tip: fapte reale, spatiu

Varsta: 4 ani

Stoc epuizat

Durata de livrare: 2 zile

Cod Produs: 9781409565246
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How do astronomers study planets, stars and galaxies? What are rovers and where have they landed? How do different telescopes work? What is a nebula? Beginner readers can find out the answers in this book, along with lots more fascinating facts. Amazing photographs and illustrations are combined with simple, easy-to-read text and a glossary explaining all the specialist terms used. Find out more about astronomy and stargazing online via Usborne Quicklinks, where you can find out what to see and when, as well as see the latest images captured by telescopes and rovers.

Autor: Emily Bone

Nr. pagini: 32

Limba: engleza

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